What is Songwriters from here and away?
SFHAA is a platform for songwriters to connect, learn and share. Everything features Singer-Songwriters in their own voice. We host:
- Songwriters meet-ups
- Songcircles
- Concerts
- Showcases
Our goal is to foster community online and in-person. Our focus is on artists from Atlantic Canada and across Canada and, on occasion, from outside Canada. We’re based in the Halifax region and sometimes venture further afield for live events.
Most of our in-person events are held at The Pink Piano Café & Lounge in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, and these events are often recorded and occasionally end up on the radio show & podcast to further expand the awareness of the songwriters involved.
Most 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights we host an in-person ‘Songwriters Meetup’ to share new songs, listen, chat and discuss the craft. These evenings are open to the public and the Pink Piano Café is open for food & beverage! Donations are accepted.
The show currently airs on 10+ stations in Canada and USA and as a podcast pretty much everywhere.
Most Tuesday nights we host an online Zoom room that is open for songwriters of all ages and skill levels to chat, share new works in progress, get critique if desired and get new ideas. For the Zoom link, message us!
We have a Facebook group for songwriters to share their new ideas, discuss songwriting and meet co-writers.
Who’s behind this?

I’m Robert Campbell, a singer-songwriter living in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. My ‘bio’ stuff is here on RCampbell.com.
Today I write and record and play solo, duo and band shows as well as host this show.
Most importantly, I am married to my lovely partner Cailin Green who is better at almost everything than I am, my beautiful trans daughter lives in Vancouver, and we are here in Dartmouth with Lily, the cat, in a tiny apartment we bought after downsizing… reducing from 3800 sq. ft. to 800 and we’re very happy these days. That’s about it.

A number of other folks assist on various aspects from time to time including:
- Jenn & Mike from the Pink Piano, along with their staff are legend.
- Krista Fewer – graphics, video
- Eric Joseph – web etc
- Steph Walsh – video